Someone else said throwing.
Which proves none of them have even swung in the high level pattern.
Cabrera is 'directing'......fine tuning......barrel and ball contact. He is not pushing. He is not pulling. He is not throwing.
All energy production was done in the first few frames after launch.
His barrel is on autopilot, speeding, because of prior action, and is being adjusted for quality sweet spot contact.
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They Asked.....Pushing or Pulling?....
Another excellent view of speed created 'around the forearms'.....while the arms 'let out' to align to the ball.
It's called 'out from'.
You will play hell, trying to achieve a high level swing, while looking inside and adjusting outside.
Your swing arc covers the outside first....then the inside. Simple. Logical.
The amount of pivot in the rear hip socket determines where the swing goes.
You see....the amount of MOVEMENT in the hip socket simply determines swing direction. It has little to do with power generation.
Power generation comes from the stretch release....which happens NO MATTER THE DEGREE OF MOVEMENT of the hip. You can have a powerful stretch release with LITTLE TO NO HIP MOVEMENT (until follow through) or you can have a powerful stretch release with A LOT OF HIP MOVEMENT.
That movement simply helps guide the sweet spot to the ball. It is not a power generator. It is a result of the generation of power by the stretch release.
The hips leading the hands is a very misleading statement.
First of all the 'hips' totalling misleading. There is no 'hip rotation' force generator in a high level swing.
When you say they lead....Do they lead in space? Do they lead in time? Do they actually START the unload.
The answer is.....the hands fire first....which causes the rear hip/leg assembly, which is in a state of SnF, to fire and PULL the barrel....because of where the resistance is. I would say that is LEAD by FEEL.....but will not necessarily give a 'lead in space' visual....nor a 'lead in time' visual. And it isn't the is the leg.
The hands firing first....turning the barrel the ignitor. It is the final stretch movement which forces the leg to turn as the rear hip resists.
The notion that the hip does any force production by it's forward completely bogus. THE LEG is the force producer. A SnF load is created as the REAR HIP....coils rearward against THE LEG....and MAINTAINS THAT COIL/RESISTANCE constantly and coninuously until follow through.
The muscles that rotate the hips are NEVER ACTIVATED in a high level swing.