This clip couldn't show what MUST happen any better....

Until the top of the torsion driven by the bottom of the torsion will never find the pattern.

If you're loose at the scap....the energy from the leg....will leak into the torso....and never reach the barrel directly. Your arms will be recruited....and you will add a push forward to the SnF of your rear hip/leg.

Unless the scap/spine junction is tight....whether by way of clamp....or pinch.....your leg will never turn your barrel. If that link is will push the barrel.

In fact, the definition of a push....IS.....the scap moving/pushing/driving forward before the corner is turned.


The scap NEVER releases from the spine....until AFTER the launch.

You can feel it happening, at the scap/spine junction....when done properly.

When the scap is tight to the bend right there as you pull back. fact....IS THE CORNER. The legs rotation, if the hip is coiled, and if the torso is fused, turns the spine INTO the the the scap resists it. It's as if you are bending a sheet of sheet metal....without creasing the scap/spine junction....and then letting go of the end of the sheet metal. IT WHIPS FORWARD. Unless you create that.....your arms will push.

Fact, Jack.

This is what a scap push looks like in drill form....

This is what that looks like in a full swing....

Both were tight at the hip/leg. Both bleed through their torso. Energy never got to their they had to push the barrel forward.

BOTH above....have hands/arms.....THAT OUT RUN any stretch they had in their hip/leg. The arms speed FORWARD of the stretch release. They out run it.