It Doesn't Pass The Hansen Rule

Using the clips below, I will point out what the hitters are actually doing versus what PCR and PCRW claim they are doing.


PCR and PCRW believe that the swing is swung in the rotational path of the shoulders. That your posture is set then adjusted to the pitch THEN the swing is swung. To illustrate that many clips have been manufactured including this skeletal swing plane. Compare what the lead arm of the skeletal figure is doing to the lead arm of the high level mlb players.

The answer is found in the hand path.

Why does the skeletal figure's hands take a hard right (his left) to get the barrel arc to the ball?
Do you really think you can hit a moving ball effectively doing that?
In what direction is the energy of the skeletal figure's swing going? Is it going into the ball....or crossing the path of the ball?
How far forward are the skeletal figure's hands BEFORE the bat arc through the zone? Can you say BAT DRAG?
Now....look at Young/Polanco/Pedroia. One simple answer to one simple question should solve this puzzle for you for life. READY?
What direction do their hands go?
Answer.....TOWARD THE BALL. They leave the rotational path of the body and go 'to the ball'. Do you really think a circular hand path is part of a high level swing?

Look at Young's hand path. It is very linear. Yet, he has great batspeed. What must be contributing since his hands are not connected to the shoulder path? That's right. THE HANDS. They are turning the barrel. Notice the 'rotational knob pull' of the skeletal figure. Notice the barrel arcing/bluring rearward in Michael Youngs swing. There are only two things that can cause that to happen. Handle torque at 'GO'.....and the lateral tilt of the shoulders at 'GO'.

Look at Polanco's and Pedroia's hand path. No hard right (their left) until after contact. Their path is just like Young's. You could say Polanco is making an adjustment to pitch location. But...Pedroia isn't. Neither is Young. They want this hand path on EVERY pitch. They do not want a circular hand path. They do not want to be 'beside' the ball. They want to be 'behind the ball'.
You see, folks....the bat is NOT swung in the rotational path of the shoulders. It is turned by the hands so that they arms can take it to the ball without loss of energy. Of course, the 'other engine'.....the lower body is supplying a great deal of the energy. But....high level hitters need earlier batspeed and high adjustability to handle good pitching.
What the PCR(W)boys teach regarding the lead arm action and the rotational path of the shoulders is not high level.


PCR and PCRW are both real big on 'maintaining distance over which you can apply force'. In other words....keeping the hips closed as long as possible so there is more distance for them to rotate. If that is the case....why do these three hitters open their lead leg and hips substantially before 'GO'?

Aren't they 'bleeding' rotational energy? According to PCR and PCRW that is exactly what they are doing. Yet these are very accomplished hitters. The fact of the matter is, that lower body running start is not 'bleeding'....in fact it is loading. They are stretching....separating....so that they can take advantage of the 'stretch and fire' launch mechanics. They are 'holding' their momentum back with their hand action....as their rear foot pushes.....and therefore they have put their hands in control of the 'release of the swing'. They do not use brute force rotation of the lower body as their 'GO' move. Their 'GO' move the release of the hold.


PCR and PCRW insist that shoulder rotation either powers the swing or delivers the energy to the barrel. Well.....look at Michael Young's lead shoulder at 'GO'. Then look at the skeletal figure's lead shoulder.

Why does Young's lead shoulder go up first?....and the skeletal figures shoulder go 'around'?
Explain why Young's shoulders are turning in a different plane than his belt line?


PCR and PCRW believe the weight is shifted THEN you swing. They believe rotation is 'around the front hip joint'. To do that you must shift to weight the front leg first. Is that what you see? Is that what you 'feel'?

Well....then why does Bonds, as he waits for this offspeed pitch, NOT allow his weight to go to the front leg until after 'GO'? Why does he sit...sit...sit...as he waits...waits...waits?
The answer is....there is no rotation in his swing. There is a LARGE weight shift....from a LARGE push of the rear leg....in the direction of the ball....that is 'caught'....'received by'....the front leg and then blocked.....and this is critcially important.....AT GO.
Not before.
The shift of the weight from the rear leg to the front leg...in the direction of the ball....is the major power supply in the high level swing.
And rotation CAN NOT deliver energy to mulitple locations. It can hit the preset location. It CAN NOT adjust it's direction. It is almost useless to a high level hitter.

You CAN NOT seriously watch the rear hip action of Bonds and Chipper and deduct that they are rotating. Rotation does not allow that rear hip 'up and through' move. Both Bonds and Chipper clear the hips....create stretch by holding/arresting forward momentum (with the hands) while pushing (with the rear leg)....then the final push of the rear leg and hip join the lateral tilt and handle torque....toward the ball....to power the high level swing.

There is much more. But I feel like I'm piling on.