There is much to do about rotation....when does it start....how is it initiated....and just how do you teach a high level mlb swing.

And, Paul Nyman has made a swing review of Dustin Pedroia. I have seen that review. And, he gives it his best shot.....but misses the mark because of his insistance on holding onto a flawed theory and then doing his best to 'make it work'. And, he goes as far as to include pseudo-science to make his points. That flawed theory is the belief that the 'standard swing' includes the bat being swung in the path of the shoulders....that you must rotate about the spine....that the swing is swung 'middle out'....that the hands just hold on for the ride. It is no surprise to anyone that has ever played at even a high amateur level, that Mr. Nyman does not know what he's talking about.

As a one time proponent of PCR and PCRW it became crystal clear that my son's complaints....(that he couldn't hit the outside pitch....that he needed more time....that he had no adjustability....that he was consistently late) were not just idle "I can't do it" complaints. I discovered this when I started playing again. His complaints were the same thing I was experiencing. I began to search for the truth on my own....and I let one thing guide my search....and that was I had to reconcile PCR's 'the hands are just along for the ride' with the pros insistance that 'the hands are critical'.

So....to bring the truth front and center, I have decided to prepare an accurate swing review of Dustin Pedroia and the other hitters included in his review.

You are free to compare....and I hope you do.....frame by frame. Because the saying 'you can only see what you can see' needs to be replaced by 'you can only see what you can feel'. And if you have never been in the batters box you're going to have a tough time seeing. Because until you 'feel' the challenge of hitting 90+ with the accompanying assortment of offspeed pitches....and until you 'feel' the movements these hitters make....in the sequence they make them....you will NEVER 'see'.

So, here goes....

The following three clips will be used for analysis.

Rule #1: To analyze video you have to first identify the 'GO' frame.

You must do that so you can 'feel' what happens before 'go' (and is therefore preswing and loading), what happens at 'go' (the actual swing), and what happens after 'go', or (the follow through). You identify the 'GO' frame by looking for the 'giddyup' in the tempo of the swing. It is usually easy to find. And, you don't have to be perfect. If you're off by a frame or so initially, you can usually find your error as you piece together the other information you have with the sequencing that you will learn.

I have identified the "GO" frame of each hitter from the clips above. Notice the position they are in. Notice the position their bats are in. You will see open hips, a flexed lead leg that is bearing no weight, and a barrel that is going or about to go rearward. It is moving rearward and about to be accelerated into a rearward arc as the lower body engine 'joins' the upper body engine. More on these two engines later.

Now that we know exactly when the swing starts....when the point of no return is....we can conclude everything before that is loading and preswing. So....

Let's look at that loading and preswing segment.

This is where the 'push', that the PCR boys have to deny, occurs. Notice the rear knee going down and in. That can only be done with a large push of the rear leg off the ground. Also, notice the role of the hands. The hands 'hold' or 'grab the pole' or create resistance so that the push does not move them forward too much. Notice how the hands do not move forward much at all during the 'hold' phase. The hips move forward but the hands 'hold'. Stretch is created. The importance of the 'hold' is it keeps the weight back while they are pushing....which leads to the stretch.....which is best defined as 'between the hands and the rear hip/leg'.....between the two pivot points of the swing.....which eventually fires at 'go'. The separation most think they see....and as taught by Epstein.....is upper hemisphere versus lower hemisphere.....hips opening against closed shoulders. But that is NOT where the initial separation happens. The Epstein separation.....the degree of hip opening.....is largely a matter of timing. As a hitter grabs the pole with his hands, and pushes with his rear foot....he arrests the forward momentum. That doesn't mean it isn't there. It is. It is just not allowed to move the weight from the rear leg to the front leg yet. The hands are 'holding' the system back as they load the barrel. Now....the important stretch comes from the shift of the mass forward against the hold of the hands. I must note here....it shifts forward....but not from the rear leg to the front leg yet. You can clearly see it in the side view of Michael Young. He is pushing aggressively off the ground, creating some forward momentum but the 'hold' of his hands will not allow the weight to shift to the front leg. That weight shift happens at 'go'. When he decides to swing....to 'go'....he releases the 'hold' on the system by allowing the hands to turn the barrel rearward while at the same time 'laterally tilting' the shoulders and aggressively applying the final push of the rear leg and hip. This is EXACTLY how and what hitters mean when they say they must get BEHIND THE BALL. You can not get 'behind the ball' AND rotate the shoulders. You must laterally tilt them at 'go'....a much more aggressive launch move than shoulder rotation can create....AND it is in the direction of the ball.....otherwise you'll hit 'beside' the ball and pull off consistently. This is the shoulder bypass and it is extremely important. Watch each hitters lead shoulder go up as he launches the swing. It does not go 'around'.....it goes 'up'. Then suddenly the hips 'win' and rotate everything above. The degree that the hips get open is a matter of the hitters timing to the given pitch. If it is a fastball, the hitters hands, which control then entire swing, release the barrel early. Stretch from the hands to the rear hip, is already there to power the swing. It resulted from the lower body pushing against the hold of the hands. If he gets an offspeed pitch, he continues to hold. The lower body continues to push. This resistance....pushing of the lower body against the hold of the hands results in the hips opening even more before launch. As an experiment, grab a pole in your basement while in your hitting stance. Push with your rear foot. Continue to 'hold' the pole as you push with your rear foot to arrest forward momentum. What happens? The hips open. The Center of Gravity lowers....all due to the resistance created by the hands against the push of the rear foot.

And that is how Bonds does this...

You see....the lower body is simply a running start....that crescendos.....that gets much of the work done....out of the way....and clears.....so as to create a path to swing in, WHILE creating a stretch, a direct stretch to the hands.....WHICH CONTROL THE ENTIRE PROCESS....that leads to the stretch and fire launch mechanics....as compared to the PCR 'brute strength' rotational push launch mechanics....which do not have the ability to cusp.

SUMMARY: Hitters hit from one leg.....the rear leg. Rotation around the front hip joint is a figment of a PCR mind. I call it one-legged hitting. They load the rear leg and hip with all the weight on/over/into the rear leg....they push with the rear leg against the hold of the hands...which arrests/controls forward momentum.....all while not sacrificing any of that rear leg/hip load. At 'go', the hands release the barrel rearward with the accompanying lateral shoulder tilt, and the weight is shifted from the rear leg to the front leg....IN THE DIRECTION OF THE BALL (a very important adjustability factor) as a result of the lateral shoulder tilt and by an aggressive final push of the rear leg and hip....into a block of the front leg which ensures no forward drift.

The long and short of it is.....it is a directional weight shift that powers the swing. It is NOT rotation as taught by PCR and PCRW. In fact, the swing can and should be taught without ever mentioning the word rotation. It is exactly like Yeager explains....a push from the rear leg which is completed BEFORE the block/push of the front leg.

By 'feel' the swing is swung before the front foot is down. Video will show the reality is the swing is swung before the front foot is weighted. It's down....but not yet weighted. And that is what Yeager means when he says the rear leg push is completed before the front leg block. A reasonable, but not perfect, example of the 'feel' of the lower body in a high level swing is 'coming out of a one-legged knee bend'. The weight is over/on/into the rear leg and you push off the ground to come out of the knee bend. This push pushes you upward and foward into the front leg.....and this is important......AS YOU SWING. You don't do this THEN swing. This leg drive....this coming out of the knee bend.....powers the swing.

Any talk of what or when rotation is intiated is totally irrelevant to the high level swing.

Finally....review these two swings below. Do you see rotation? OR Do you see a lower body running start which clears and stretches first....preparing for the final rear hip/leg thrust into a block of the lead leg.....all controlled by the hand action of the hitter?

Some things are obvious to those who have felt. And completely invisible to those who have never played. Both Bonds and Chipper thrust their rear hip 'up and through'. There is little if anything rotational about that.

There are two engines fellas. Hips and Hands. Use them to create the stretch and fire launch mechanics. And you'll find very little importance to the words Posture Connection or Rotation.