The first clip on the left shows the main problem with the old swing. And that problem is the SWAY back INTO the rear hip, instead of AROUND the ball of the femur. A linear weigh shift rearward will only result in a linear weight shift forward. And sure enough....as you can see in the 2nd clip, which is the full swing....he shifts back INTO his rear hip and then shifts forward OUT OF his rear hip. As he shifts OUT OF his rear hip linearly, he THEN tries to get a little coil. He doesn't get much at all. Whatever he gets....it is too late. He is behind the timing curve....or will be often. I call this move FALLING OFF THE BAR STOOL. By bar stool, I mean the kind you'd see in a diner. The ones with a base fastened to the floor. His linear momentum took him off his pedestal...took him off the barstool....and instead of still being ON the barstool and turning the stool (hip/leg) abruptly he has slid off of it....he is no longer on top of it.....and he is pushing off the side of the barstool. More later on the bar stool.

The high level swing REQUIRES coil. AND it requires a lower body TURNING running start. I can not overemphasize the TURNING RUNNING START. Imagine the people mover at the airport. It is a continous motion. It is linear, so in THAT regard, it is not similar to the swing. But....the continuous nature of it is. It is continuous....nonstop. And when you step onto the people mover you INSTANTLY gain speed. In hitting your barstool must be a continuous motion. A continuous coil/uncoil motion WITH NO PAUSE. It must be a continuous coil/uncoil so that the upper body can STRETCH against it. If you have a pause, you get little to no stretch. If you have a pause you have no timing mechanism. When the lower body runs....continuously....timed to the fastball....the upper body and hands will 'load around'....not linearly....and as they load around as the hip/leg coils/uncoils....you get a stretch 'around' a rear hip pivot point. You get a stretch that CONTINUES to stretch (again....only if there is no pause in the system)....as the hitter reads the pitch. When they get good at this mechanism, they learn to time the lower body turning running start to the fastball. What that means is, they learn to stretch the hands and upper body 'around' the lower body turning running start so that they are primed and ready with sufficient stretch to launch suddenly for the fastball....yet they have the ability to continue to stretch when they read offspeed. Again, only if there is no pause in the turning. Which means....the stretch is the load. It means the swing is a 'stretch release'....not a swing...not a push or pull of the hands arms. In fact, the very best 'turn the barrel' around their hands....not around their shoulders....sending the barrel rearward to launch. The hip grabs the rearward speeding barrel and yanks it through the zone.

Check out the REARWARD barrel turn action of Bonds and Pujols to launch their swings against a lower body turning running start.

In the new clip, Woodward is coiling 'around'.....his rear hip socket is coiling around the ball of the femur, immediately, and continuously. He has either coil or uncoil going on without pause. As his hip/leg coils/uncoils his hands and torso 'load around' (not linarly). So, you have an upper body coiling in one direction against the lower body which coils and eventually uncoils in the other direction, meaning you develop a rag wring type feeling. The top is wringing rearward as the hip/leg is wringing forward. More and more strech develops. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THE SWING. THIS IS THE SEPARATOR. THE HITTERS THAT GET THIS REACH THEIR GOD GIVEN POTENTIAL. This rag wring type load is what we refer to as the OVERLAP. And the overlap leads to a seamless load and unload. In other words....you are both loading and unloading at the same time. The upper is loading as the lower body continuous running start continues. And the hitter can launch at any point during the overlap. This gives him his timing mechanism. This is like cheating when you get it right. Woodward does this WITH forward momentum. I am not making the case that forward momentum is bad. I am making the case that with that forward momentum YOU MUST HAVE A CONTINUOUS COIL/UNCOIL ACTION. It is ONLY with this continuous coil/uncoil action that hitters can develop the proper stretch and create the overlap which leads to the timing mechanism.

In summary....as a result of the changed mechanics, Woodward is able to stay back even as he goes forward. The coil/uncoil process keeps the weight back, so that at 'go'....the rear hip is PULLING the barrel....not PUSHING the barrel.

Finally, here are two of the greatest ever. Their lower body TURNING running start goes unnoticed by almost everyone. FEW, if any, realize the importance of that small, slight, short, abrupt little coil move that starts each hitters sequence.....and how it immediately turns forward.....without pause......and how that continuous turning action is what they load against as they take their hands and upper body rearward. Then, watch how they swing. Both create a capital "C" with their barrel by turning it rearward. That rearward turn is critical to make sure the rear hip pulls. There is no forward momentum in either Bonds nor Williams that isn't accompanied with uncoil. Uncoil that started way back at the beginning of the process as their short little coil trigger turned immediately without pause to uncoil.